Shelbyville Tennessee
January 24 63
Dear Sister I received your kind
letter yesterday which gave me great
pleasure to hear from you and the rest
of the connection this leaves me well with
the exception of cold I have a verry bad cold
I was rite sick yesterday an the day before
from it but I am up this eavening
and feel rite peart this eavening Sister
we have had a very hard fite up hear sinse
I wrote to you before it was one of the hardest
fitest fites that we ever have had we have
wiped them bad ley but we had to fal ba
ck on the account of reinforce nts ments we
held the battle field until we beried our
dead and got al of the guns of[f] of the field we
took thirty pieces of cannon from them
and great many waggons and mules we
had ther dead beried also I dont no which
side got the most killed it is said we
killed a hep the most of them we
took about five thousand prisoners
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from them we had ther dead
bearied I suppose we must have lost
ten thousand killed an wounded we have
seen accounts in northen papers where
they acknoledge ther los to be fifteen thou
sand so they must have los the most by
a rite smart Sister I had the pleasure of
meeting with cousin A J Harris the other
day he is capton of a company in the 27 reg
the are in the Same briggade he is a fine look
ing man he is mite well thout of in the
regment I must come to a close as I have
but little else that would intrust
you so fare well for this time dear sis
ter direct your letters to Shelbyvill
L W Hunter