Ganesvill ala July 30” /.62
Dear Betty haveing a chance to send
I seat my self to inform you that I
am in tolerable good health at this
time though the day Mr Boyed left
I taken sick and was prety bad all night
but to day I feel as and as stout
as a yong bull so I will come it verry
well. Liz I have nothin new to
write to you at this time more than
the health of our company is onley tolera-
ble good at this time Mr harpers health
is not verry good at this time
Mr Boyed boy ben is sick at this
time he stands a good chance to have
a tite spell I receved yours by
Mr. Boyed and suspenders and was
glad and more than glad to hear
from you and I shal look for
another by Mr. Boyed. I am
wating patiently to hear that
William has got home I think
he will be ther in a few days
[page 2]
Betty I would like for you to make
me a jacket out of the same kind
of cloth that you make my shirts
out of make it on the same plan
prety much that the over shirts is
made on make the sleaves tolerable
large with ristpans [1] have the wast band to fit
round out side of the wast band of my
pants. button to gether [as?] before like pants
at the wast and hav the part betwen the
wast band and coler pleted
how do you like your paper I sent
you by Mr Boyed
This morning while I was
doing nothing I thought I would
set down and mak you a finger
ring I want you to let me know
how you like it so I am in a
herry so nothing more at present
but remain your tru husband til
death so be of good cheer and take
good cear of your slf and the children
good by bety J J Davis
- ristpans = writbands, cuffs