Ganesville ala Aug 12” / 62
Dear Betty I am in tolerable
good health this morning and I
hope thes few lines may find you
injoying the same blessing and also
you are doing well. I thouht the last
time I writen to you that we would have
go from hear before this time but
by some means or other we are hear
yet I think we will pass by Shanon tomor
row or next day I know not which
we are trying to get our money I
will verry glad if we can get it if
we leave hear before we get it we may not
it for some time yet. I would like
see you all verry mutch but ther
is no chace yet I dont recon. I will
wate patiently and the time will come
after while when we get to tuperlow may-
be they will let me come home and if
not you can come to see me. some think
we will camp about Saltilo if so
you can go up to Petegres
[page 2]
Betty I think the time will soon come
when the war will close then what
a happy time there will be. the rea-
son why I think so thers no movement
that we know any thing a bout. I would
like to hear what is going on at this time
there came orders for all the sick to be
sent home and the most of them are gon
Mr. Boyed has got a sick furlow and
by him I send this letter and the
degearotypes I was glad to see them
they did look so sweet but for fear
they will get distroyed I send them
back by him. you nead not write
to me any more til we get settled
write if you have a chance to send it by
hand. you must be contented and
make your self easy and I will
do the same trust in god and he
take care of you make the children
behave them selves and try to raise them
right tell Willa to be a good boy and
keep now bad company
[page 3]
I thin[k] you miss understood me about
the jacket I want it mad out of hom
mad linsy. till Octavia I wish she
or somebody els would knit me some
two pair of socks then I will send theas home
to be healed and toed I donto know
what I will do for som shoes thear
is none hear have not had mutch
rain hear yet but I hope you have
had plenty I was very sorry to
hear of the death Mr Meetts he will
be mised mitly in that neighbor
I beleave I have nothing more to
write at this time. give my respects to my inquir-
ing friends if I have any I have not
receved a letter from any body sens
I ben hear but you tell your
Ma and Octavia I dont blame
them for not writing because they
cant write so I can look ove[r] them
so nothing more present but re
main your affectionate husband J J Davis