/. 62
Baldwen Mis Sept 23
Dear Betty I seat my self to inform
you that I am well at this time and
hope this may find you all injoy the same good
blessing. If I had time I would write to you
all of our travels but have not time. ever Sins
I wrote you last we stood in a line of battle day and
night till saterday morning. the fight at Iuka
commenced fryday evening at 4 oclock lasted till
dark that night. our brigade was not in it quite
likeing 2 minutes and a half. the attack was made
on our extrem left and our brigade was
on the extreem right and when we found
it out we had to doble quick for 3 or 4
miles to get to the fight but was most
two late for the fight but time enuff
to hear the balls rottle over our heads and
to make the yanks run. we lay on the
battle field that niht. next morning expect
ing a big fight but in the place of that at moon
rise we commenced our retreat and
just did make our esscape as we went out
of this side of town they commenced shooting
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at us on the other side we had to duble quick
this way all that day they followed us all that
day fireing on the rear end of our army
at last our men turned on them and cut
them all to peacies taken several prisners
and we lost 3 or 4 men they let us alone
after that. ther forces wer two strong for
us there. I donot know what will be
the movemints now I know not how long
wee will stay hear at this place. we are 3 qur
ters of a mile east of boldwen. Tell Mrs
Johnson Thomas has not got in camp yet
will get in to day he stoped behind yes-
terday to rest and has not caught up yet
Billy and severel of the boys lost there
napsacks on the marched. Betty I have not
time to write mutch at this time will
soon. you must write to me soon
kiss my little children for me. tell them
to be good children. tell Octavia to kiss
you for me. also her sweet hart sends his
respect othing more at present but remain
your true husband till death J J Davis
good by Betty