

Camp near ganes mill
June the 12 1864

Dear mother and Farther
I seat my self to write you
a few loins to let you know
that I am well at this time
and hope this ma find you
all well I have Riten 2 letters
to cush but have not herd
from him yet that is in
the last ten Days if you
should here from him before I
do write me word I have bin
in one fight sence I left
home it lasted one Day and
a half we whiped them our of
too loins of Breast works and
Drove them 2 ½ miles we had
too men kiled John Dod and
Charly yates non wounded
poor Charly lived about 15
minutes after shot threw
[page 2]
we are layinf in the Breast
works know we caught 3 yanks
this morning we are below
Bottoms Bridge about a mile
give my love to all my
inquiring friends and
Receive the Best posion
for your Selves
write soon and let me
here what the yankes
Don up thare I send this
by woodfoot millers son
to mr Battails I close by
saying I yet Remain
your effectionate
Son W T Hart
Esqr when
you see Remember me though
menny miles through god
I hop to meet you all
agan and if Dont prepare
to meet me in haven
this is all

June 12, 1864


Co. H, 47th Virginia Infantry
Residence (County): 
Spotsylvania County, VA


Residence (County): 
Spotsylvania County, VA
Residence (County): 
Spotsylvania County, VA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
January, 2013

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    University of Georgia
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