Emry & Henry Hospitle Nov 18th
Mr C, C, Jimmisson
Dear wife I write
you a few lines to let
you know how I am
Getting along at this time
my health is a bout the
same as when you Saw
me last, and hoping
when this reaches you
it may find you all [well]
and doing well, you
must write and let me
know how you got home
wheather you landed safe
or no, I asked purmission
of the Sergeon to go before
the bord but he wanted
me to wait until tusday
next, the Doct twice was
[page 2]
my Room this morning
and examin me he said
it was affection of Liver
that caus my side to be in
this condition, I can not
tell yet wheather I will
git to come home yet or
not, I intend to stay here
awhile longer I have
no nuse to write you
write as soon as you
get this I Remain your
affectionate Husband
untill Death
John Jimmisson