

State of Tenne Frankling County
Januwary the 17th 1862 [1]
Camp near Tulahoma
Dear Cousin it is with
much pleaser that I take my pen in
hand to drop yo a few lines to in
forme yo that I am well and hartey
but peat is knot he his helth has
benn bad for a long time he is
able to up but that is all that I can
say he is gon to chattanoogo to generl
hospittle and he was to get a furlo
thier and go home whitch I hope he will
cousin I hope thes few lines may find
yo all well and doing well.
Cousin I was sarry to read the
death that yo sent me but we air
all Subjecet to death I have left good
menney of my friends be hind me
thay air know gown I had to leave
my brother won moring and leave him
to do the beast he could for him
self four weaks from that time I went
to see him and he was knot as well
as he was when I left him he was at a
[page 2]
priviate house a verry good place
I took him a way from that place
and caird him to a sulffar springes
and I left him a gain and went to
my compeny and the next day we started
on a march for murf phessbur we march
five days though rain and mud we [???]
got thire thursday night after the big fight
we lay in the line of battle too days and
night and it raind all the time and
then we reatreat from that place
and such a time I never have saw
yet we went back then on the same
place wher we left I went and peat
a gain he was then a heap better
the doctor then sent him of
Cousin I could write a grateal mor
but it is verry could and I have too
mor letters to wurite I have a chanch
sending them home I must then send
won to Father and mother and won to my lovening
purty, I must close my letter yo
must excuse my short letter good bey
James N. Honnoll
C. C. Honnoll

  1. mistake for 1863
January 17, 1863


Co. A, 32nd Mississippi Infantry
Residence (County): 
Tishomingo County, MS


From State: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Catherine Pettijohn
Transcription Date: 
December, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2013

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
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