

Camp, Near Corinth, Miss,

May the 26th 1862,
Dear Brother
Yours of
the 11th inst. Came to hand
about an hour ago, I was
truly glad to hear from you,
but I would a great deal rather-
er be with you so I could
talk to you I could tell
you a great deal more than
I can write, but I hope
that time is not far distant.
when we shall once more be together,
In the first place I will tell
you that I had a little
spell of sickness since I last wrote
to you. I have been unable
[page 2]
for duty for the last two
weeks, but am once more
all right, and I am very
glad of it too, my sickness
commenced with the Diarrhoea,
and pain in my back and
shoulders, I think it was
caused by the exposure at the
battle of Shiloh. we laid in
the rain several days and
and that was enough to sicken
any person, there is a great
deal of sickness in the army now,
I must tell you that our
quartermaster died about two hours
ago. it is J. W. Connell. he used
to be our first Lieutenant. he
took sick about the same time
I did to took the fever. and
[page 3]
this morning he died with
a sinking chill. I stood by
his bed when he breathed his
last. Mr Bonham is going to
take him home,
I suppose you are anxious to hear
of this battle. but I dont know
when that will be.. but I think it
will be shortly, they have a strong force
and so have we, our men are throwing
up breastworks. for ten miles around,
there is skirmishing nearly every day
the boys gets close enough to curse each
other. the rebels called our boys d-d
yankee sons of b-hs and asked
them if they did not want some sugar
for in their coffee. our boys called
them d-d butternuts, and told
them we had captured enough at shiloh
and told them that they was cowards
and that made them awful mad I tell you
[page 4]
we have very nice weather here it is
pretty near harvest. I have eat Mulberries
two weeks ago I tell you they were good.
I also eat some green peaches stewed, I
never saw as many peaches as there is
down here and all kinds of fruit there
is some whortleberries (huckleberries)
down here they are commencing to get a
little red, but after all I would
rather live about two miles north
of Newcastle than here, I would
like to be working with you firstrate
I guess I have given you all the
news so I will close. I got a letter
from George Reily and one from Jo <Riggles?>
George is not very well,he says. Jos, are
well. I must tell you that Doc.
Thompson was to see me yesterday I never
dreamt of seeing him here. he is in the
22nd Ill Regt Co. D. he used to work for
John Oharra, no more write soon and give
me all the news, for I dont hear much here
from your affectionate Brother

D. R. Garman

Co. C. 36 Regt Ind. Vol <M?>
Pittsburg Landing Tennessee
to follow 36th Regt

May 26, 1862


36th Indiana Co. C
Residence (County): 
Henry County, IN


Residence (County): 
Henry County, IN


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Kathryn Auner
Transcription Date: 
April, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
February, 2016

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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