

Stephens Junction Va. Apr. 8th [1865]
My Best of all Friends it is
with the greatest of pleasure that
I seat my Self on a pile of Blankets
to Pen you a fiew more lines
to let you no that I am in the
Best of for which I do feel very
Thankful to the giver of Every good
and Perfect gift for the same
I received your very kind and
always welcom letter last night
and the contence of it was Devoured
By My Eyes in a hury you can
Depend on that. I am indede glad
to hear that you and our Dear little
ones was well and that you could
compose your self But I am very
sory to hear that sarah is so poorly
But I hope when these ill composed
lines comes to hand that they may
find you all on your tops again
[page 2]
O Priscillia canot imagine what good it
Don me to get that letter from you
last night it is the Second one I have
got sens I left home I have wrote from
2 to 3 letters to you Evry weak sens
I have Been from home I got one that
you sent to Indianapolis mailed March 22
and the one I got last night was
mailed March 31st I wrote to old
Berry Cass one to Wm OBrine one to
Mr Shetler and one to Lou to Day
I do not no how many I have
wrote to But I have got But 2 in all
and them was from you I would
give a good Deal for another from you
to night it may Bea that my leters has not
all got there if they have I should think
that you have not would Be tiered of
hearing nonsens By thiss time for I
have sent a good lot of it.
you sayd it was hard for you to wait
so long without geting a leter from
me I a gree with you that is not
[page 3]
pleasant to Be so long with out word
from Each other But can se By the leters
that I have to wait a good Deal longer
than you But I have got lots of patience
and console my self the Best I can But
you can Rest assured of one thing that
is if you do not hear from me often it
is not my fault you no how many
Envelops I Brought with me I have
not wrot But 4 letters Except what
what I wrote to you and now I have
got But one left I wrote last
Thursday to you soon after wee got here
wee had prety hard tramping to get
here But I am all write now I have
not Been sick an hour sens I was at
home. Danel and The is as harty as [privates Daniel Bennett and Theodore Sebring]
I Ever Saw them you sayd that
Eviline had reported that you was
jealous of her and me if such is the
case I never new or thought of any such
thing and I hop that I shal nevr give
you any cause So long as I live I can
not Be so cruel as to
[page 4]
trampel on as kind and good a heart
as yours is may god for Bid that
Ever Should give you the least cause
whatever <?> of Being jealouse
O Dear wife I would give almost
Evrything that I am worth if this
Cruel war was over and I could
come home and Enjoy your
Sweet company once more not that
I Dislike soldiering mutch But I
Did not no that you was So Dear
to me until I had to Be separated
from you So long But Cheer Dear
wife I hope the hapy Day will soon
come when I can come home again
and peace will Be restored again to
our on happy country it is
a Desolate looking place Down
here to look at the Splnden farm
and nice Big orchards and fine house
all gon to ruin wee have traveled
over Several Batle fields But there
is no Rebels here now But
gorrillas and they Do not very often by do
[added in left margin of page 1]
Do any thing But Stel
look for the next sheet and read the rest
[page 5] [7-1]
Page no 5
you Sayd you had got a table
and stand that is all write
But you must be saveing with
your money for I do not no
when I will Draw any and if I
do Draw I do not no when I
can Send any home as there is
no chance to Epress any thing from
here with any safety I sent my
Over coat home and a Blanket
also I sent them in a Box with
Several others to Old Unkle Si
Sebring if they Ever get through
you will have to pay the freight on
them there is two novels also
Belonging to me give my Best respects
to Mr and Mrs Shetler if it
wont make you jealous
also to sarah and Amy and
all the rest of the friends and tell
them all to write me or somebody
a letter Evry ordinary letter is
worth 5 Dollars to a Soldier
[page 6]
page no 6
this is the 8th leter to you in
this month and not an answer
yet now my Kindes friend
and wife I must Bid you good
Bye again But I feel like I
could set and write a hole
Day to you I will write you
two letters Evry weak and
as mutch oftener as I can get
letter you no more But
I remain your Ever
loveing Husband til Death
Shal Break the cord that Binds
our hearts together and when
that Eventful Day shal come
I hope that wee may Be prepared
so wee may mete a gain where
there is no war nor sin
good By and god Bless you all
Hiram Finton
to Priscillia Finton and
the little ones
[added in left margin]
Be sure and Direct plane when you write

April 8, 1865


152nd Indiana Infantry (Co. D)
Residence (County): 
Kosciusko County, IN


Residence (County): 
Kosciusko County, IN


From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Brenna Womer
Transcription Date: 
May, 2015
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
February, 2016

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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