

Dalton Geo December 6 1863
Dear Martha
I take this Sabath morning
to drop you a fwe lines to let you
know how I am getting along this
leves me in tolerble health tho I am
right weake yet I have bin pesterd
a grate eal with Direar which has
kept me weken down though my ap
tite is very good I have kno nuse to
right onley we are at Dalton yet and may
stay some time as the enamy has falin
back well Martha I am getting very
antious to heare from you as it has bin
some time since I had the last letter I
would like to heare from you every weak
eny how I have riten to you once a weake
ever since I hace bin in serves and it dos
me a grate eal of good to get aleter from
you I read it over and over untill
I wore them out so I want you to right
oftin if it is oley a littl at the time
Dear mat I do want to se you the
[page 2]
the worst sorte kno thought or tung
Can express the ansity I have to be at
home with you and the children but
still I try to kee[p] the best foot fomest [1]
and get on the best I Can I hope that
this may find you and the Dear child
ren all well hesey [2] is well only colds
Martha keepe in good sperits for I [???]
the day will soon Com when we will
be pemited to be to gether I shal try very
harde to get a furlow about Crismus and
Come home I do know know how it will
be Jap is up though has a very bad Cold
give my love to mary and the children
and tell them all howdy tell beney and
willey and tomey to be good children and
make litell men to susan know for get
what I rote her in before
and know Mat My Dears [3] object on
earth put you trust in god and pray that
he may bl[e]s me and take Care of you and
that we may soon be don with horid ware
So I remain your afectionate husband
John McCorkle

  1. foremost?
  2. hesey = Lt. Hezeziah McCorkle of Co. H
  3. Dears = dearest
December 6, 1863


Company H, 37 GA Infantry


Wife of John McCorkle


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Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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