Camp Dalton Ga January 6th 1864 Mrs E A Davis
Dear Mother I Seat myself this eavning to drop
you a few lines to let you now how I am
getting along I am in the best of health
at presant & hope this may find you [well?]
I have nothing of importance to write at presant
our rations are sorry we get enough cours meal
but beef hardly comes at all . I want you
to send me a box by John Daniel if he
he wll bring it and send about 50 lbs flour
and hog according Some butter Sausage Potato
biscuits Pies and I would like to have some Cakes
& Brandy and chink with Potatoes and that
will be Sufficient. our Smoke house has
not gone dry yet but it will be by the
time another gets hear now that will d[o?]
I drew my Jo Brown Suit the other day and
I will send it it home the first chance
So I will want no more clothing I have mony
at presant I must close I want you to
write all about farming matters or make Wm do it
for you how many Hogs you have Killed their
weight &c how your Cows Sheep Horses are doing how many
Pigs and lambs you have and the news in general
I remain your dear and affectionate untill Death Martin J. Davis