Dont rite tell you where a gain
from me
Richmond Va november the 13 this 1861
My Dear wife i take the opporunity
of riteing you a few lins to let you no that
i am well at this time and i hope that
these few lins may find you the same
i am in richmon va at this time but
we are orderd to manassas i come across
a bridge 3 and a half mils long and i
come a railroad you could find plasses
in it over one hundre mils long that
was as stright as a line
when i got to wilmerton i took a
steembote i have not much news to rite
to you at this time but i have seen
the yankeys in Prison there is a good
meny of them there is som heavy
fireing on the river and has ben going
on some time and is going on yet
my Dear wife i would like to see you
and the Children give my love to all
the famley the Con ses that he dont
no wheather we will go or not
[nine words crossed out]
i have seen the Baker
volinteers god bless you my Dear
take cear of youre self
i must close Thomas W G Inglet