James Island SC
Nove 14th 1863
My Deare wife
I will write
you a few lins to let you
no that I am a going to
Send a box home I have
drawed a nother suit of
close and it is one sute
more than I want I will
send my over coat
and a nother coat an pants
an draws an shirt an cap
an pair of shoues an some
[page 2]
bullets an a horn full
of powder an Some coat
buttons and I may sende
Some more little things but
if I do you will get them
for I may Send them in
a box with T.N.Ross but
if I Send them in with
his things I will put
them with them selves
you must take care of
them untell I get home
if I ever do I have noth.
ing new to write to you
[page 3]
at preasant I received
a letter form you yesturdy
an I ancerd it but I thought
that I would write a gain
as I was going to sende my
things home this leaves me
well and I hope this may
find you and the baby
in good health I want you
to write soon and let me
no all the news give my
love to all of the famley
and tell them that I want
them to write to me I want
[page 4]
you to let me no when
mr Wills is going to
come to take my place
I will close by saying I
hope that god may ever
remain an bless you on
this irth and in the
world to come I remain
youre love untell death
oh my deare I think of
you often Ferget me not martha
is the motto I Send, I hope youl
prove true to Tomma youre Frind
Write soon my love T W G Inglet