James Island SC
Nove 21st 1863
My deare wife the long looked for come to day
I have looked for a letter a long time I thaught
that you was not going to write any more to
me but you did make out to write 2 or three
or more liens to me on the 17th inst it
found me well and I hope this may come safe to
hand and find you and the Sweete little baby
well an all the rest I have nothing new to
write to you at this time only we have a
fine sea brese to day my deare I was sorry
to heare that doty was not well but it cant
be hope [1] the lords well must be don my dear
I started the box to day I Sent in the box
2 coats 1 one pair of pants one shirt one draws
one cap som bullets an a horn of powder an
three little peases of Soap an som buttons
an the palmetter is yourse my deare tell
Father to come with mr Wills when he coms
I wrote to youre Father yesturdy to no the reason
that you did not write to me I fergot I sent
you a pair of Shoues in the box if tha
will fid [2] you you can wair them tom Ross
sente some things in one ende of the box I
will come to a close by saying I
hope to see you soon
T W G Inglet
to his love MA I
Write Soon to T..W..G..Inglet Martha A Inglet
- hope = helped
- fid = fit