

Gorgia Jackson Co Camp M C Donald
June the 14 1862
Dear wife I take my pen in hand to drop
you a fiew lines to in form you that I
am as well as common hoping that these fiew
lines will find you better I Can inform you that
R A Marlow has Just landed abot 5 minuts a gon
and and I red my letter and was glad
to her from you but was sorry to hear that
you was no better I hope that the next time
that I hear from you you will be better
we ar all well and we recievd ordes to march
in the morning at 0 6 six oclock in the mon
morninging I am ready to go and as willing as
I expect to be if I had got my bounty and sent
it to you I would be better satisfied but
it is not don and I cannot help it
[page 2]
I want you to do the the best that you can
for your selvs and me to you must rite to me
as soon as you get a letter from me I will
rite as son as I get to whar wear going to
tell John to stay at home tel he makes
his swap tell uncle Kemp that his brother
has got well I gave him his letter and he
was glad to hear from him and other
things that is to tedious to mention
we have to cook 5 day rashens to night
I am in a hurry to night so I will
Close my letter for this time and rite more
the nex time so farwell for this time
nothing more at presant but remains
yur husban until death it is 110 miles
to Chattanooga whar we ar goin to in sid of
thurty W P Mangum to L C Mangum
[page 3]
Caroline you can write what you
please to me in my letters and
when I and not wright any thing to you
that I dont want all to see I will rite
it to its self Caroline I had the
Sweetest Kiss I ever got so far from
you as when I received your letter
the boys lafed at me and said I
must love you and thy was not
wrong a bout th I want to see you
the worst I ever did I dream of hugging
and kissing you often Caroline write
to me often as you can hear is a Bay
lief an which is ever grean and so is my
love to you ever true and Sariene
hear is a kiss that I no you will
take in good part let it not affect
your tender hart kiss me honey
rite hear
W. P. Mangum
L. C. Mangum
you have my harte
and take good cear

June 14, 1862


Company E, 34 GA Infantry ("Jackson Farmers")


Wife of William P. Mangum


From State: 
From County: 
From Note: 
Camp McDonald


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell
Transcription Date: 
May, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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