

Knoxvill tennesee June the 25 1862
Dear wife I take my pen in hand to drop
you a fiew lines to inform you that I am
well and to let you no whar I am we left
we ar Just travling a bout for our health and
to find the yankes but we have not found
them yet they was fighting about 10 miles
from hear yestoday I dont no whether we will
get in to any fight hear or not or whether
we will stay hear three hours or not our
train was uncupled last night and left our
officer all behind but two liutenants in
the rigtment and som of our men with
them tha have not all got too us yet they
will cum in this morning I think and
then we will no what we will do
we ar all a mong the union men hear
[page 2]
and the boys was rning and buying
pies and eating and I told them to eat thir
one [1] Cooking and the first thing tha nod
thar was one ma[n] poisand and a bout to dy and
the docar gave him a puke and he got better
I dont eat any thing but what I Sea
Cooked I am not a frade of getting poisond
my self they have take our tents from us and
turned us out from them to shift sum
sais that it is the healthety and it is
as good as enny I belive we sent pitmon
back to gt our bounty I dont no how long
he will be gon i want you to keep my
uniform til I rite or for it we ant
aloud to take but 2 shirts and drowars
and one par of pants I have got C[l]ose a
plenty bow when you rite rite to
[page 3]
Chattanooga and they will folow us
So I will Close and let the rest rite
So nothing more at presant but remains
Yours til death so farwell W P mangum
to L C Mangum

Knox vill tensee June the 25 th 1862
Dear father and mother I take my pen in hand to
drop you a few linse to let you know that we ar well
hoping thase few linse may come to hand and find
you awl well thar I can informe you that we left
Chattanooga the 23 and Came hir last night we doant
know how long we will sta hir whither atal night ir
not we ar turnd out of doarse whith thought tents and
we will be marcht about ever day ir two while
we ar in Camps I doant think that tha ever was a
passle of men so in pozd [2] on in the wirld
[page 4]
but I in hops the time will Soon Come that we that
we will git home tho it is onsirtain about it thir is
a bunents [3] of men about hir tho I doant know how
menney I hav got abad Chanc to rite I sat down hir
to rite you afew linse to let you know somthing about
our Cloase I want you if you haint Started our Shirts
to us yet dount Send them for we aint aloud to take
but wone par of pants 2 Shirts two par of drawers wone
Coat and Jacket wone blanket So I will be ablig to
to leav two par of my pants I want you to try to have
me a good Soot by fall if liv I Shal hop to hav a Some
if I hap to Sta hir i think I will make out tal the I will
rite when inede them my rume is Short I must Close rite
to me and direct you letter to Knox vill tennesee and be Sirtain
to A T Bennitt and Cirnel Jonson name on it and it
foller us So you know how to direct it So I will Close
F W Marlow to R Marlow I Send this with W P

  1. one = own
  2. in pozd = imposed
  3. a bunents = abundance
June 25, 1862


Company E, 34 GA Infantry ("Jackson Farmers")
Company E, 34 GA Infantry ("Jackson Farmers")


Wife of William P. Mangum
Wife of Francis W. Marlow


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell
Transcription Date: 
May, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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