

Manchester Coffee Co
tennesee december the 2 62
Dear mother it is with
pleasure I take my Seat
this mornin to try to
answer your letter I recevd
my Close and letters yestoday
and I recon that I was the
proudest boy that you ever
saw for I was necked and
barfooted and it a snoing
half the time I am hoping
to [??????????] I am [1]
well and have bin well
the most of my time since
I saw you I havent had
the plesure of reading
a letter from any of you
since the 14 of august
tho I never got out of hart
I have got so that I
Just take everything
[page 2]
far and easy for I cant
help my self Mother I
have saw hants since I
saw you tho that small
particule of faith has led
me through safe and sound
so far and I think will lead
me on you must be your one [2]
judg of your bisness for I am
too far of[f] to help you
my close fitted me well
and the apples tatores and
Cakes fitted me too so I
will rite sum to Caroline
rite soon so nothing more
at presant but remains
your Son until Sepperated
by death so farwell
for this time
W.P. Mangum
To Elzy Mangum
[page 3]
december the 2 1862
Dear wife I take the presant
oppertunity of riting you
a fiew lines which will
inform that I am well
hoping these fiew lines
will come safe to your
hands and find you well
and doing well I was
sorry to hear that you
was not well I hope
when I hear from you agan
you will be well I have
got so that I can go
necked and barfoo[t]ed and
lie in the mud and eat
til you cant rest I have
ben the harties latly
that I ever was in my
life and can beat the oldes
woman in the world a
cooking we can git dry
fruit a plenty for 4 dol
per bushel
[page 4]
I recievd my close and
letters yestoday the
boxes cam and we opened
all but one and I found
nothing for me and I
burstid the last on[e]
and the first thing
I saw was them old
Copparass strips and
I just gathered them
out before I saw any
name on them they look
as natural as pig tucks
my Coat and pants
fits Just rite my hat
and shoes fits exactly
and ar cheep for the
times I could a sold what
you sent to me for 100 dol
they just dared me to
take 25 dollars for my
Coat but I did not

  1. words worn off at fold in page
  2. one = own
December 2, 1862


Company E, 34 GA Infantry ("Jackson Farmers")


Wife of William P. Mangum
Mother of William P. Mangum


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Toni Mitchell
Transcription Date: 
May, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
December, 2012

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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