Athenes Ga Oct the 13 63
Dear wife i will rite you
a fiew lines to let you no
that i got her yestoday
and will leave her in a
fiew minuts i am well as
common i am safe [now?]
but if i had staid 3 days
longer i wold not [???]
i have to pay my way to
atlanta and then [??????]
go free i saw James Jen[???]
and he ses that soldiers
wives can get salt from
him by sending 13 dollars
per bushel and they can
express the money to him
at charlston and start
a letter at the same tim
and he will Send the
[page 2]
to this place and
a letter to you you can
send if you want to
so far well my
command is a [Chikamaga?]
tennesa let this
releave your mind
W P Mangum
L C Mangum