Ala Tallapoosy Co May the 24 186[?]
Dear Coson I
take up my pen this eave
ning for the purpus of
droping you afew lins in way
of ancering yore most kind
letter which I receive afew
days ago and was glad to
hear from you once more and
also was glad to hear that
you was well those few
lins leavs us al up but
not verry well the frinds
and connection is well as far
as I know as far as hee[??]
is consernd but some of
[page 2]
them is verry badly pestered
about thir folks in the
army it looks like thay
wil al be distoid but [??] it
is the lords wil for any
to come back they wil
come we wil live in hops if
we die in dispar coson I have
got sad nuse to write to you
we have of ben to se burel
[??] bured this eavning he
was kild bye a suthern yankey
it was len clifton
he kild him knight before
last he has ben making his
[page 3]
brags and they have ben
tring to get him and was in
surch for him and burel was
in the crowd and he got shot
he is acruel man they found
him in A mands house and
orderd the dore opend and
they wuld not do it and
burel stept back to get arede
to push the dore opin and
clifton shot him it was
done about one oclock in the
kinght and he live tel 9 the
next day If I could se you
I could tel you more about it
his pore mother taks it vary
hard I will cuit on that
[page 4]
I have almost fild out my
paper and run out of some thing
to rite has rote as much
about the soledier frinds
in the tented fields as I know
uncle Wm Norman has never
ben in ary fight as I know
on Cos Wm you must rite to
vashti and edny and cher
them up for they air verry
lonesom I wil begin to close
this scribble rite verry son
and when you rite rite about
the rest of our relation down
thir they wont rite you must
tel them to rite if they [???]
p[??] m[???] my corne bye her
half abushel So I wil cuit I remain
yore coson as ever Mary D Norman