Augusta Ga October the 29 1860
Dear parents I take my pen in hand once
more to in form you that I am well
hoping thes few lines may find you
all enjoying the same blessing
I enclose you a check on new
york for one hund dred Dollars
I have swaped Bald eagle this
morning and got $1.10 Dollars
to Boot and a cracking colt
I swaped with Pink Amos
times is hard here there is 13
Tobac co waggons in the lot
now I am by my self and
hav been ever sence I left
new berry C H S C [1] I shal
leave here to morrow mor
ning for ki ken S C [2] I hav
ent sold one hundred Dollars
worth of tobac co for cash
Since I left home you cant
get money now to bac co is
Ded down here and evry where
els I havent sold hardly eny
Tobac co since I left home
I want you to hire P. Hutcherson
and send him our as soon as
posible and come your self if
you want to come dont get
scard for times being hard
i will turn evry thing in money
if I live and keepe health
before I come home I am verry
lone some by my self with three
horses to tend to
[page 2]
I will do the best I can and that
is all I can doo you will pleas write
to me and direct your letter to
new brry C H S C if you havent
Sent me no tobac co to Black
Ville I Shal go Back to new ber
ry and from there to Green Ville
I have 19 Boxes at Green ville and
9 at Sparen Burg and 2 [Spartenburg, SC]
at new berry and 30 on my
wag gon I have some good
notes Dew the first of December
if Prather and Banner ses eny thi
ng tel them to hold on thay was
to give me my own time to make
the trip in and I have got the
letter now that they sent mee
nothing more at present only
Remain your affectionate son
W,, H, Amos
I expect to get aletter from
you when I get to Aiken
- Newberry Court House, South Carolina
- mistake for Aiken, South Carolina