

Oct the 2 1862

mi Dear wife an childinge i take
mi pen in hand to writ you a few
lines to you i am weell at the present
time i hope when you get this letter
i want you to write to mea and tell
mea how mi corn crop is an tell
tell mea how you giting along
at home in [yers?] fares an the
childin is giting a long i am
giting a long prime now in
camp now i got plenty to eat
now such as bread an meat
now we hav moved sence i hav
roat the last letter we ar
4 ½ miles from richmon
now we are on [brookling?] turn pike
road i cant tell you how long
we can stay hear now i hope
an trust the ware will shortly
come to a close will be so by
the help of our lord an saver an
Jeses crist he will hive peas when
he seas fit it will be so Henry
[page 2]
what i write you i Doant want
you to think hard of mea for [??]
So i Doant [mean?] iny harm sum
of mi riting to you i love you
and mi childring i cant tell
how well sens i left home
i wood giv iny thing if coud sea
you all wonce more in this world
i will try to git a furlow
on the 10 Day of this mont if we
doant goy to Jacson if we go
to Jacson it will be no chanch
to git a furlow then i doant
now when we will leav hear
we Doant stay long at plase
we aint stad at a plase 2 weaks
yet we hav moved 14 times sens
we left Saulbury it Doant
seams to you it is so if we
get back what glad men we
will be we get to sea our dear
wives an our childing our hom
our frends in [??]
[page 3]
i can tell you we hav 2 woman
in this rigment 1 is marig 1 is [??]
i wod like to sea you but i wod
not like to hav you in no rigment
now plase for woman in ware sich
taulk is shame to rigment for
iny woman to bee in you can
gess the kind of wiman is her
it is a bad plase for men hear
i wod like to now if you got yores
ishe potatos [1] dug an put a way
how is yos s[w]eet potatoes an
how is the hoges an old bete
an old Dan you got yet you
must keep the hogs if thay
need it keep them an ti [2] is woth 
more in money now to you now
an money if you had to pay 4
Dollars for a pie an 20 Dollars pare of
shoes an 4 Dollars for half [s?lding?]
pare shoes you wod think it w[??]
hard ti may be so at home be
fore the ware is ended we dont
now what is to come yet
[added at top of pages two and three]
Oct 2 1862 i want you to write to mean when you resev
this letter dereck yors to richmon V A
57 rigment compny 3 cur of cap [rine?] 3 [3]
[page 4]
Oct 4 1862 i got to write when
i got time iwrite one page
i write it the day [then?] iwrit
it to day i am working on the brest work 4 miles of richmon to
day we work 4 our pur dau on the
brest work we hav 11 hundthed
men in the rigment 5 hundthed
is sick now that is the report
our company is 35 sick now tant [it aint?]
meny bad of iam well at the
present time wilam cockum is
ont [4] well now he is got the
rumtis pains in his limbs i
am sum times two in mi sholders
an lages i doant now how i can
stand it this winter i hav
stood the camp as well as the
rest i hope i may stay well
i take cur of mi self as i can in
camp an marches sum doant
i saw tuther day sume men seting
on a grave plaing cards seams
to mee iny man coud not doe so
if thay had iny feelings i this
world i pity them [???]
[page 5]
mi Dear wife an childing
i am seting under tree now
riting few lines to you mi
dear little ones at home
i cant tell how i feeles
to think a bout them now
i hope an trust we can
get to sea each other gain
before we die in this world
we must pray for one an
nother we may spard to sea
one annother a gain in this
trubsum world if never
get to sea on nother in this
worlld i hope we will me
meat in a beter world
and this this world is sor
row an trube this must not
trube you you must keep
yores faith in our saver
hoo can us from all dangar
in this worlde henry Baker
[page 6]
Oct 5 1862 i doant wa
you to be truble a bout me
now i am well now you
beter get sum purson to
stay with you now i am
welling to pay them
well if you can get them
i doant now if i can get
a furlow to come home
ore not yet i wod like
to come now if i coud do
so but we [??] [corn?] down
hear now wee are hear
now and we cant help
our selvs now this we
i [???] try to come
home if can the last
of the weak i doant com
you must doe the best
for yors self if you can
you need not to look [?]
tell 14 days if can mi
Dear wife mary Baker

  1. Irish potatoes
  2. ti = it?
  3. 3 = E
  4. ont = not?
Date Note: 
2, 4, 5 October 1862


Company E, 57 NC Infantry


Wife of Henry Baker


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From Note: 
Near Richmond


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
March, 2010

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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