April the 21 1864
camp near millford depot va
Dear parents
I morning
seat myself [?] you a feu
lines to inform you that
heard from you by a
leter that cussin culley
got a feu moments ago
I hav never got a leter from
home yet and I am beginning
to think it is time for mee
to get one I got hear the first
day of the month and I hav
wrote a leter evry feu days
I hav know nuse of importance
and but little time write fer
I am listening to hear the
bugle sound evry moment
for us to drill I was very
sorrow to hear that pinkny
cut but I hope he will son
bee able to [??] the axe again
I dont know hou long we will
stay hear but I dont think wee
will stay hear long I supose
you knou as well hou to
direct a leter to mee as
tell you so turn over
[page 2]
these lines lines leavs
mee well and I am very
well saisfied dont bee
uneasy about mee so I
must close for the pre[?]nt
write to mee son and often
yours truly til death
A W Blair
To John Blair
Back your leters to
Ritchmond va
first NC Cav
company D
in cear of capt Blair