

March the 19th 1865
Camp Stoks near greesboro N C
Der father and mother and Sisters I Seat
my self this morning to write yo a
few to let yo know that I am Still in
the land among the living and in
comon helth hoping these few lines
may find yo all well and doing well
I just got back from richmon yesterday
eavning I Started last wedensday eavning
with prisners we had to stay tou days
and knights in richmon the cars being prest
to cary Solgers to linchburg and when
we did come we had to ride on top of the
cars I Saw J T Colby there on his way
home he was not well but could go about
I Staid with him one day perty much all
day he left the next morning so I gess
he is at home before now he was on
parole and had afurlow for 30 days
I received aleter from Wm L yesterday
eavning dated the 6 and 7 of this inst
he said he was well but had got no
leter from yo since the 1 f[e]b and non
from olevy since the 14 of feb they was well
[page 2]
as for my part I havent received aleter
from Cooks sinc the 5 of January I
wrote som 2 or 3 sinc I hav got eny
from them I havent received eny from
yo sinc the 22 of Febuary I hav no
ness of intrest to write that is reliabel
that I know of the report was yestederday
the yankes had taken goldsboro but I
dont whether it is so or not the men
in richmon sais the Solgers famelys
is perishing to death for something to
eat and to ware and god only knows
how soon it may the case with many
others they say they never sen the time
tell now that they couldent get abit of
cake bead to eat but havent had eny
for 3 months so I think they are as
tierd of the war as I am or at least
Som of them is they ness was yester
day that there was abig fight expectd to
come off at petersburg so I believ I
hav nothing to write at this time
So no more but remais your Son and brther
F A Bleckley to Anny Bleckley

March 19, 1865


McLean's Battalion, NC Light Duty Men


Father of Franklin, James, & William Bleckley
Wife of Charles Bleckley & mother of Franklin, James, & William Bleckley
Bleckley Sisters


From State: 
North Carolina
From Municipality: 
From County: 
From Note: 
"Camp Stokes" near Greensboro


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
July, 2010

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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