Camp S[t]oks near greesboro NC
April the 2nd 1865
Dear father and mother and Sisters
I Seat myself the blessed Sabath morning
to write yo afew lines to let yo know
that I am Still in the land among the
living and in the enjoyament of a reasona
bel portion of helth and strenth of body
and mind hoping these few lines may
may find yo all enjoying the same bess
ing I recd your leter of the 25th & 26th of
march and was glad to hear from yo
and to hear yo was all well I hav no
thing that would be interesting to yo
I write to at this time from all that
I can find out about the armys on
both Sids it seems to me that the war
cant last very long at least I hop so
I under stand the yankes is some whare
near Salisbury and alitel below raleigh
So we are beteen the too armes I think
that one or the other of the armes intends
come to greensboro but I dont want to be
here when they come but I see no chanc
to get away from here with out runing
away and I dont like that al much
beter than meeting the yankes
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I hav had no wird from Wm L sinc the
14 of march he was not very well then
he Said they ware under marching
orders but did not know when or whare
the woul go I understand that ransoms
brigade was in fight the 25th of march
but hav not herd the pertickelers about
the killed and wounded I would like
hear from again which I think I will in afew
days if there is nothing rong with him
well Mary yo wanted to know if yo
& Lucinda hadent beter pay Mila the
money father had borroed of her I
think yo had beter do so if can just as
Soon as yo can if she will take the money
I recd aleter from Cooks yesterday they
was all well but I [Z?] Cally he was not
very well he said the first thing when he got
home Selena put him nursing and wonderd
what She would put him at the next time he
went off and Staid awhile & come home I wrote
to him I dident know what unless She put
him to washing hipens So no more but
remains your Son and bother affectionly
F A Bleckley to Charles Bleckley
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is sarah and dora there yet if they are give
them my respcts and tell her to write
to me write soon and give me all the nuse
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how is mother geting along
is as stout as she was
when I left home