Camp Stoks near greensboro
Aprile the 9th 1865 NC [1]
Dear father and mother and Sisters
I seat myself this blessed Sabath
morning to write yo a few lines to let
yo know that I am still in the land amo
ng the living and injoying a resnabel
portion of helthe and strenth both of boddy
and mind hoping these few lines may
reach yo in due time and find yo all
enjoying the same blessing I received your
leter of the 3rd inst in due time and was glad
to hear from yo all and to hear yo was
all well I hav had no wird from Wm L
Sinc the 6th of march I should like very much
to hear from him I understand his briggad
was in a very hard fite last sonday
and that eavning richmon & peters
burg fell and the last account of lee
he had fell back Som 50 miles this side
and grant had him serounded except
one litel gap on the rite or rather to
wards peters burg grant has cut the
railrod and cut off seplies from lee this
was the ness yesterday eavning but I
cant tell how true it is the report
her is lee lost 50..000 men in the movmets
[page 2]
I understand that Johnson is gon to
reenforc lee and left the way open
below for Sherman to go whare he plea
ses the last account Sherman he was
lying still at golesboro wresting &
Shoeing & clothing men I sepose he will
make a move in som direction before
long there was agood many troops abo
ut greensboro the first part of this month
throwing up brest wirks but they are
gon to some other point I know not
whare as for Stoneman I dont here
eny thing about whare he is or what he
he is doing it is seposed he is gon on to
form a junction with grant So I will stop
that part of the subject for this time I hav
not heard Cooks sinc your last leter I recd
aleter from them the 31st of march they was
all well then I wrote them once sinc but
hav got no anseer yet how are yo get
ing along with your wirk hav yo got
eny corn planted yet has bob got over
his hirt he got by thrwing mary yet
So I close so no more but remains your Son & brother
F A Bleckley to Any Bleckley
[added upside down at top of page]
write soon and give me the ness of the
neighborhood if there is eny giv my
respects to all enquiring friends if eny
- This letter was written the day Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia]