Goldsburroug N C
Apr 5th 1862 Camp Mason
Dear Wife
I this morning grasp
my pen in hand to in form
you that I am well at presant
and I hope when these few lines
reaches you that tha may find
you well and all the rest
Dear wife I have no nuse to
relat but we are expecting
a fite some of the reg ment left
her last knight to go back to
vergina a gain I under stand that
tha are five reg ment orderd to
vagina from this place we are
sary to se them leave us but
we may not have a fite here in
a month and we may have a fite
in a deay or two I must stop
and go and drill I have now
returned from the field and et my
dinner I will now pro sead to
write you a few more lines I was
at a show in Goldsburro last knight
wher the slite of hand was performd
and a mongst his manuvers he
made a hundred little flages out of
one little flag hear is one you
can have take it and keep it
[page 2]
Dear Wife iff you pleas write
to me fur I am anchious to
hear from you I have not
heard from you sence ohn was
up thare we have not heard
from nun of you we have
come to the conclusion that you
have all furgot us this is the
sixth letter that I have wrote
and no answer yet I thaut that
I would write one more letter
havent I a Father Mother Wife
Brother or sistor yet in Alexander
County I trust we have thare
is one grate consullation when friends
and homes fursake us thare is one
that will never fursake us may
Gold help us to put our trust
in him and meat that sweete little
angel Mary in heavin I often think
of heir we would write soon a
again if I thaut it was worth while
I dont know whether you
get our letters or not John is
well and galey we are all in
good stirits yet we are not
out of hart we dont entend to
be whiped if thare is eny other
chance J. N. Bradshaw
to Nancy Bradshaw