

Camp near Chambersburg
June the 25: 1863
Dear Pappy Ma and Mit
I seat my self
once more to write you A
few more lines to let you
know that I am well and
harty and I hope that when
those few lines reaches you
they may find you all the
same I havent writing to
you all in A good while nor
havent heard from you since
I left Culpper and thare I
wrote you A letter giving you
all the news up to that time
but after that we came very
near having A fight thare
but it turned out so we
did not fight and then
wee took up our line of
march and marched to
berrieville and thare we
found 1.600 yankes and wee
[page 2]
flanked thare breastworks but
when wee marched up to fight
they ware gone and so wee
did not get them but wee
continued the march and
wee soon got to Bunkers Hill
ware General Jinkins had A
fight killing two of the enemy
wounded 11 and took 16 prisoners
and the yankes wounded two
of our men we drove them
to martingsburg and wee rushed
in thare and run them out
wee Capsherd 6 peces of Artillery
and A good deal of provision
but they run so that we did
not get them so the next day
wee marched and waded the
potomac and then wee ware
in Williamsport M..D and
then wee came on to hagerstown
and thare wee took up camp
but did not stay long thare
before wee started again and
when wee got to Middleburg
[page 3]
wee ware in Pennsylvania
and the next town was named
greencastle and you may believe
that the people was very near
skerd to death but wee treated
them with respect and yesterday
wee marched through Chambersburg
and it is A very nice place
but in thare I found A
good meny disbanded soilders
from the yankes army the
militia heare is going to fight
us I suppose but wee will
not stop for them I reckend
that wee will go to Harrisburg
the capital of this state and
thare wee will have to fight
I guess but General Lee sais
that he has got the yankes
just whare he wants them
it has ben A brother [change in handwriting, presumably that of K. W. Coghill]
Fuller is gon out on Skirmish
so I have to close his letter Mr
James Stone is well and harty
[page 4]
send word to deast Mary that
[?????] is well and he hasen
time to write The Militia is comi
g so I am in a hurry so you
must excuse me for writing
so bad. I will close for this
time. [???] you must not be
uneasy about us for we are
all well and are dowing well
Gave my love to all the frien
ds write soon Direct to
Richmond [?????] is [??]
from your Broth

J F Coghill

PS we <?????>

June 25, 1863


Company G, 23rd NC Infantry
Private to Corporal


Joseph W. Coghill's father
Jonathan Fuller Coghill's Sister
Name Variant: 


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
June, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
September, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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