Camp Price, Acquia creek
March 1st/62
My Dear Wife
Believing that
you will not object to hearing
from me I will endeavor to
write to you a short letter.
In the first place I will
give you a short description
of my trip to the Potomac.
I left Burgaw about three
oclock tuesday A.M. and arriv-
ed at Weldon about twelve.
I had to lay over there
until wednesday morning
when I took the cars for Va.
I arrived at Richmond the
same day and remained
there until thursday morn-
ing. I then took the cars
[page 2]
and arrived at this place
that evening. I stopped in
Fredericksburg a short time.
We have warm houses to stay
in but too many have
to stay in the same house
I don't feel very well this
morning. It makes me feel
quite solemn when I think
how far I am seperated
from you, my dear one, but
I am often consoled when
I think that the time is
not very far distant when
I will be permittet to return
to you and live with you.
I will send you some money
as soon as I can. I wil close
by asking you to write soon.
Give my love to all the family.
[page 3]
I remain as ever you affec-
tionate husband
John Futch
N.B. Direct you letters
in the following manner
John Futch
Co K 3d N.C. St. Troops