

March the 29 1863
dear husban after my love and
best respects to you I will in
form you that I am well hopin
that those fue lines may rech and
find you in joyin the same good
blesings dear husban I receved
your kind letters a fridy I receved
those and I was glad to hir
from you one sead that you was
in tolabel good helth and one
said that you was no better
dear husban I learn that you
have not goin before the bord
and I want you to go to before
the bord fore if you wanted to come
home as bad as I do want you
to come you would go be fore it
every day and I want you to
do it and tri
[page 2]
to git home if you can
and dear husban if you
wanted to see me as bad as
i do want to see you you would
be wiling fore me to come and
see you fore I would give the
world to see you if it was
in my [nunshen?] you rote to me
to not fore get get you when i
went to eat and I dont fore git
you day nor nite I dreme of you
every nite dear husban I have not
receved the money that you send
but it is at [???] and father
is going after it to morrow so I must
close by sain I remain you Affectionly
wife tell deth Martha Futch to Mr
John Futch do the best you can tell
i see you rite soon and fail not

March 29, 1863


John Futch's Wife


Company K, 3rd NC Infantry


From State: 
North Carolina
From County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Casey White
Transcription Date: 
July, 2008
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2008

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