

Camp near Port Royal
April the 16th 1863
Dear Wife I seat my self to write you
a few lines to let you know I am not
Very well at present But I hope these
few lines may reach and find you
Enjoying the Best of helth Martha I have
under Stood that they was a letter wrote to James
Anderson to Borrow your money Martha
you had Better keep your money your
Self for if you was to lend it out
you Mought never get it Back So I
had rather you would keep it Martha
the next time you write please write how
much money you received from me for I
want to know so as I will know if you
received all that I sent you oh Dear Wife
I want to see you the worst in the world
I hope that our Regiment will go to North
Carolina before long for I am very
[page 2]
tired of old Virginia.. Martha Every
thing is very high up here Tobacco is
5 dollars a pound and paper is 5 dollars
a quire .. I can Buy 7 & 8 dollars worth
and Set down and Eat it all at one
time and you may know By that
it is not very Cheep oh tell your
Mar & Par that I would Be
more then Glad to see them
Martha you must excuse this short letter and
Bad writing for it is one O, Clock and
me and William Cowan is a geting
very drowsy and he had to write this
letter in the dark we Both would Eat
something if we had it to Eat so we
will go to our tent and Retire so
nothing more at this time only I still
remain your true an affectionate
husband til death please write soon
John Futch to Martha Futch

April 16, 1863


Company K, 3rd NC Infantry


John Futch's Wife


From State: 
From Municipality: 
From County: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Casey White
Transcription Date: 
July, 2008
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
August, 2008

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    University of Georgia
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