

Northern VA
Camp near fredericsburg
March the 27 1863
Dear wife I Seat my Self this
Morning with pleasure to let
you know that I am well at
this time and I Sincerely hope
When those few lines Comes to
hand they may find you all in
injoying the Same blessing pleas
excuse me for not riteing
Sooner I hadent the opertunity
We had to go on picket two
days then drill twice A day
A being this day is Set
apart for thanksgiven day I
Will give you A Short histry
of my life past and My life
to Come in this world I
Can inform you that I have
had many temptations and
trials on the way and I am
[page 2]
thankful to Say that god has
has led me throo Safe to this
time but futher it is to
be tride I think that the
triing hours is just Coming
on. we have orders to send our
baggage to Richmond buy the
first of april to be near for
action I Can inform that
We have Hoke for our ginerl
Were in jacksons Corps
divishen. Erlys. and it is
Reported that jackson Says
if the yankeys dont leave
he will Cross the Rapperhanick
I think that will be A
hard undertaken nothing
More about this . I think
all those that is in for the
War would beter be A coming
as for ever hold there peace
[page 3]
Dear wife I Can State to
you that the regment is in
bad health at this time if
We could A Stade at portroil
there is good water there
We Could had our health I
Can inform that that is
the best Contry that I Saw
Since I left home I Can
State that I Saw a grate
eal [1] Since I left home more
than ever I expected to see
if I would rite all I seed
it would take Some time
tell Larance that I Saw
A yankey Come to the river
bank with A bote under his
arm he Sent that bote A
Cross it had A ness [2] paper
in it they Send coffey for
tobacco A Cros in it
[page 4]
Dear wife you Stated in your
leter that you Could get some
ground ploud if you Can that
Will be A good ide if you Can
tend the best Spots your work
out is worth more in one day than
A week in the hous try to satis
fy the bely before the back
I would like to be at home the
best in this world but it is
out of the question I dont expect
to com home til peace is made
if its gods will to Spare me I
Will Come So I must Come
to A Close buy asquin you to
Rite as soon as this Comes
to your hand So fare well
With the hops of Seeing you
again I rite my best respecs
to you all Marcus Hefner
to Mrs Kiza Hefner

  1. great eal = great deal
  2. ness = news
March 27, 1863


Name Variant: 
Marcus Hefner
Company E, 57th NC Infantry


Marcus Hefner's Wife


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
October, 2011
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
October, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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