Camp near Fredericsburg
Nothern virginia
April the 13 1863
Dear wife I Seat my Self this
Morning to anser your kind
leter which gave me much
Satisfaction to hear that
you was all well you rote
that the boys was fat and
Sassy I am glad to hear
that I would like to see
you all the best in this world
but I dont expect to get
Home til the big croud Comes
I think that we will all come
home til fall for pervishens
is getting very Scarce I
think they will have to
quit fiteing before long
we get one half pound of
baken for two days we get
good flower and Some Shooger
[page 2]
We get some rice and some
times we get Molasses it is
said that the solders in
virginia fare beter than in
north Carolina I think if
they do it is A hard fare
Dear wife I Can inform you
that I sent a powder
horne to the Station with
Some buttons in it one
pocket nife one pad lock
the tenth of this Month
I Sent one blanket &c
I would have Sent A leter
but I Sent four and got
no anser I Come to the
Conclusion that I wouldent
Rite til I got A leter
and I got one the 11
and the 12 I was detaild
to bery ded Horses we berid
[page 3]
All day we left 9 in
our boundry that we could
not bery I think that
good horses will be carce
before long Dear wife I
would like to hear from
All I dont know what
is the Mater I Rote to
Daniel and to Maniel
And I got no anser I
Rote to brother Miles and
got no anser you Stated
in your leter that joseph
Fulbrite plowd your ground
Dear wife I want you to
rite and tell me how much
Wheat you have yet and
how much Corne you have
and whether you have meat
A nuf you Stated in your
leter that you getherd 8 bushel of peas
[page 4]
Dont sell them if you
have any Confederate Money
they ar worth hear one doler
A quart and the time will
Come when they will bring
that in north carolina I
would like to know whether
you have any brandy or not
it is worth or will sel for
A hundred dolers A galen
If you need Money Sell
You Stated in your leter that
Jackson was A goin to cross
the river it has bin reported
But we must not believe all
We hear I Can inform that
Levi Isaac is sick at this time
I must Close my lines
I remain your dear husband
until death Marcus Hefner
to Kiza Hefner and dear Children
[upside-down at top margin of pages 2 and 3]
I will Send you two pens they ar worth 50 cents