porteroyal VA Jenuary 11 1863
Deare Companion
With pleasure I seate my
Self this eavening to answer
your kind letter Whitch cam
to hand the 7 day of this month
It was dated the 11 day of this
month that is the date of
this letter I was verry sorry
to hear that your mother
was sick but was hapy to
hear that the rest of you
Was all wel as common
I ame not well I ame verry
Bad of with the Dyery but
I ame up and a bout yet but
Verry weak ef any persone
is coming out hear from
your neighbor hood I
Want you to send me some
Butter I want some verry
Bad and It cannot be
Got heare I under stand by
Your letters that granmother
Ingram thinks hard of my not
Writing to her I have a bad
Chance to write tell her howdy
[page 2]
For me and give her my best
Respect tell her that I would
Be verry glad to see her and
tell her all the upse and downs
that I have had cence I let home
Tell uncle james Ingrams folks
that I send them my best respects
I was verry glad to hear that
the money that I cent you went
Safe to you confederate money
Will be a law ful tender the
16 day of this month any person
refusing to take it after that
time can not collect any thing
I ame going to send you some more
money shorteley I will write in
my nex letter whear you can
get it tell mart[h]y and perlinia
and elizabeth to be smarte
Girls and mind thear mothe
r give you father and Mother
my best respects So imust
close By saing write soon
Dy rect your letters to gordensvll
Va in cear of captin A Miller
Co D 21 Redgment n.c. trups
John Ingram
to Lucindia Ingram