febuary the 26 1863
N C Maderson County
My deer wife and child I now tak
my pen in hand to rite you a few
lines to in form you tha I am well
at presant and hoping this few lines
may find you all well I heard from
you to day I was glad to hear from you
but wood ben heap glader to sea you
I hope wee will all git to cum hom
befor long wee have moved 6 milds
back down the creek wee hav plenty
corn meat and power beef and porke
the kill sows and pigs and the wimin
and childern is bound to starve un
les the get sum help it is [destresin?]
times hear John Moill is well and
he has heard that Carline had a
fine daughter and he is very proud
so I w will bring my remarks
to a close by saying I remain your
affecunet husbun untell death
you must all rite to me and
let me no how you are all