Aprile the
Clinton tennesee this 7 [1863]
Anderson co
Dier wife I take the presant
opertunitey to inform you that
I am not well I hav
ben very sick sinc I hav
ben hier at clinton but I
am beter than i hav bin
I received your leter dated
26 of March which gave me
grate satisfaction to hier
that you was well you rote
to me that you was as fat
as apig I am not fat
bt as pore as asnake we dont
get anuf to eat we only
draw quarter rashens I hav
drawn 66 dolers more money
I hav thout of my littel sweet
a many a time sinc I hav bin
sick and wanted to be with you
I had apain in my brist til I
cold not li but it is about
well i hope I will soon bewell
[page 2]
Direct your leters to
Anderson co clinton . po tennssee
I want you to rite all about
your things I want to know how
your horse is giting along and what
you air going to do with him this
summer and I want to hier
about your cat tel and hogs
is giting along you dont rite
half anuf nor half often anuf
I want you to rit every week
and I will tri to rit every
week it is all the satisfaction
that I see is wheni can hier
from you and all the folks
John is not well he has got
avery bad cof Saeptey I want
you to git to b a good little gal
for I dont now whether I
shal ever see you any more or not
for I am a long ways from you
and in asickley place and if i dnt
get to see you any more on erth I want
you to prepair to meet me and
littel Slocum in heven So I
must bring my leter to aclose by
saying that I remain your affectinate
husben until deth D W Revis
to sereptia S revis