Tenn. Anderson. Co. May 31 [1863]
Dier wife I take the presant
time to inform you that I am
well at this time and I do hope
thies few lines may come safe to
hand and find you well and
adoing well we hav bin atrip
to cain tuck and hav Just
got back to clinton we was gon
23 days and we traviled 125
miles from clinton I stood the
trip very well we hav had aruf
time ofit we was in [18?] miles
of the yanks we had 2 batels
with the bush whackers
we kiled 3 of them they wounded
1 of our men but not very bad
we broght afine drove of catel
and all so afine lot of hogs
that we taken from the
bush whackers the wheet crops
looks vry promising in cain
tuck also hier intennesee the
corn is nee hy hier we do not
expect to stay hier long but I
dont no whair we wil go to from hier
I received your kind leter rote [May?] the 17
which giv mee grait plesure to hier
that you was well
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Sereptia I do want to see you
very bad and talk with you
and I want to see all the folks
and I do hope that I will be
per mited to return home
again and see you all in
the flesh again i deam it
un nesessary to rite any thing
about the war for I expect
you hier as much as i do as we
came back from cain tuck we
met galaspies company going
over into cain tuck and oliver
was well our boys is well
as comon I want you to rite
to me as often as you can but
it is not worth while to
start aleter wthout pying
for it for it it is a axident
if we get them for if we aint
at the post ofise they wil not
folow us So I must bring
my leter to aclose by saying
that I remain your loving
husban until deth
D W Revis to Sereptia revis