[NC?] [Henderson?] County July the 21 1863
My Dear loveing Hus ban I take the
presant time to inform you that
I am well at presant and I do hope
thaes few lines ma finde you well and
doing well I have nothing strainge
to rite to you at presant only the
war news is poring in from every
quarter but I cant tell head nor
tail of them fore I [can?] hear one tail
about somthing and then I will
hear it conterdicted and I cant tell
when I hear the truth I [recond?] I will
no by waiting long enough I have
jest received aleter [from?] you that
was rote July the 9 and I receive one the 19
that was rote the first of July and
tha gave me grate sadis faction
to hear from you but I would
rather see you [than?] to hear from
you I do want to see very bad
I receive the Money you sent to
me by [J.?] H Bedingfield I receive
90 dollars thare has been fighting
going on at charles ton hear of late
I suppose and thare is fighting going
on mity [near?] every plase I can hear
from but the news is so tangle up
that I cant tell what tha are doing
I was glad to hear that you had drawd
you some cloths for I no you was
mity near naked you are seldom in
my site but you are in my minde
both Day and night I dont think
I can stand it mutch longer without
[page 2]
seeing you I would be so glad
to see you coming home if it was
soyou could get the chance to come
I would slap my glad hands to
see you acoming home I want you
to rite soon and offen as you can
so I will come to aclose by saying
I remain youre loving wife
untell Death Sarepta S Revis
to D W Revis
Daniel I am yet aliving
but not very well I dont [g??]
no beter with my legs but I
ma get to see you before long
them men is hear [yet?] and I
ma have to go back with them
for all I no Daniel I receive
the pamplet you sent to me it
is agood peace that man is no fool
if he was Methodis preacher
but I have [never?] got aleter
from you yet but I have red
amany aletter from and I am
allwais glad to see a letter from
you Daniel you must rite to me
if you have the chanc tell John
Morgan to rite to me tell him Leew
has had afine boy So Fare you
[Well?] [???????]
to [??????????] Revis