State of .v.a 16 day 1863
January . . .
Campe of the 28 Regt
Campe ner Fort Roeil
in.v.a I am in
ten miles of the Rail
road at leades from
Richmond to fredickes
burge ner gines sattaion
I ame porley at this
time tho I hope at I will
get beter in a few days
an I hope at this lettr may
come to your kind hand in
deu time an find yu an
the Child well an deuing
well I rec you kind
lettr at you had rote the
4 day of this instant an I
was glad to her at yu was
well an I want yu to
Send me that dry
buy thy [??] if [page 2]
an tell John
or darling an tll
them at I will pay them
for ther trubel I dont
weant yu to griev your
Self aboute me thou I
would like to see yu
thy beste in thy world
wev had very wendy
wether for the last two
day and nigtes thy wend was
as hegt peart of the time
as I ver saw in my life
they was pine trees blod
her in thy [????] an
blod on thy t[??] tho
they weant aney body hert
so I will come to Clos buy
buy saying I remain your
deare husban untill deth yours
truly Ivin smith To
Miss Lucy smith
[page 3, in different hand ]
I Will send you one
hundred & ten dollars
by Dunkin Tucker & I
want you to take cear
of it & use it as you
nead So I Will close
I remains your husban
tell deth rite soon
Evin Smith
to lucy Smith