
Title Given Familysort ascending Unit Rank
John T. Speir John Speir Company C, 53 GA Infantry Private
James H. Speir James Speir 23 GA Infantry Assistant Surgeon
Sidney Spease Sidney Spease
Susan Spease Susan Spease
Andrew Jackson Spease Andrew Spease Co. D, 57th North Carolina Infantry
John W. Spease John Spease Co. D, 57th North Carolina Infantry
Elizabeth Spease Elizabeth Spease
Robert Spainhourd Robert Spainhourd Co. D, 57th North Carolina Infantry Private
Phebe Spainhourd Phebe Spainhourd
Charles H Sowle Charles Sowle Co. F, 4th Kentucky Cavalry (United States) Corporal
Abigail Sowle Abigail Sowle
Oliver Sowle Oliver Sowle
Seabury Sowle Seabury Sowle
William C. Southern William Southern
Daniel Snider Daniel Snider
John N. Snider John Snider Rockbridge 2nd Dragoons (Co. H, 14th Virginia Cavalry) Private
John Smithwick(?) John Smithwick(?)
Edgar Smithwick Edgar Smithwick Co. H, 61st North Carolina Infantry Private
Hannah Smithwick Hannah Smithwick
Phebe Smith Phebe Smith
Abraham Smith Abraham Smith Co. A, 87th Pennsylvania Infantry private
Margaret M. Smith Margaret Smith
John F. Smith John Smith
John A. Smith John Smith Co. F, 1st North Carolina Cavalry Corporal
Mary C. Smith Mary Smith

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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