

April 24 1864
Camps Taylosville Johnston
Brigade Dear
Sister I seat my self to
drop yow afew lines to let
yow know that I am well at
present I nowthing of interest
to Right to yow only times is
civil at present we did have
orders to be Readdy to march
at A moment warning we
had no orders to cook wp any
Rastion I think that our orders
was for ws to gow to they
Briges if they yankess showld
come on But there is know
orders now I think we will
Stay hear all Summer mabe
I will say to yow that their
was And accident hapen
yestaday morning
[page 2]
Their was A yong man Betwixt
The age of twenty five or six 
his name was foset [1] kill And [2]
old man By the name of
Saddler [3] the old man was
Abowt 50 or 55 years old I
will tell yow what they fell
owt Abowt the old man was
Sargent of they ambulance And
he order foset to gow and
take his mwls offen some
Ry and foset Refwse in gowing
he told him Again And he
told the old man that he had
Run over him as long as he
intended for to do it so he
pick up A verry large Stick
And Strwck the old man
By the side of they head And
the old man never spoke
[page 3]
from the time he don it tell
he died they sent for doctor
And hicks come And went
with him tell he sorter come two
But he never spoke he live
Abowt three hours hicks
foset to Report to his company
And gow under arrest
So So they tide him last night
And pwt A strong gard over
him they takin him off this
morning to orang cort hous
I exspect they will shoot
him I knows Both them
they old man was A fine
man foset Appeard like A
fine man he ecknollage
he hated it But it two late
now they was Both in one
Company I the 23 Regt NC troops
[page 4]
they sawd the old man head
open and examin his Brains
And pronounce that he kill
him William H Brotherton
to E Brotherton
afew lines Father And mowther
I am well and hope yow are
Both well Mowther I want
to know how your Back is
getting I want to know
if my mar is got A colt
or not And yow are getting
Along with your crop
my legs is git swelling

Right Soon
from W H Brotherton

to father Mowther

  1. John H. Fossett of Co. I, 23rd NC Inf.
  2. kill And = killed an
  3. there were two Sadlers in Co. I, John and Robert
April 24, 1864


Co. K, 23rd North Carolina Infantry
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


Name Variant: 
Goes by Elizabeth, Betsy
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC
Residence (County): 
Catawba County, NC


From Note: 
"Camps Taylosville Johnston"


To State: 
North Carolina
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
October, 2011
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
November, 2011

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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