South Carolin May the 2.1862
Laurens distrrict
Deer Son I agai prepose to
drop you afiew lines to in form
you that we are all well yoar
mother is considerable better
than she was when I rote a
tusday which letter I hope that
you hav reseivd before now I
trust that this may find you
and all well and dooing well
I hav nothing to rite to you
that will be of intrust the
ranin still continus we cant
doo any thing with our bottoms
yet the creak is over them again
this weak I had yoar pistol
fixt this weak it wirks well as
ever but I cant tell when I can
send it to you and those other
thing too I hav procured a peas
of nise country made cloth that
will make you a coat for the
summer if you want such a coat
itis red chane and blu fillen if
you want it rite to me soon
and rite what patron you
want it cut and I will hav it
made for you as soon as posible
don has yoar measure and he
can cut it mother wants to
know if yoar pants that you
ar waring is as large as you want
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so that she will know how to
make the other pare tho she
has one pare alred mad I hope
that I will get aletter from you
to nite tell the boys thar folks
is all well I hav bin to Y J Coopers
and T P Coopers boath this weak
and hird from the the balance
giv my best respects to them
all and to all inquiring friends
if any and strive to doo rite
an all things be kind and
obliging and friendly with
all men take advise from yoar
friend that older and
too the best you can for yoar
self and yoar cass and I hope we
will be blest and injoy the
pleasure of eachothers company
again in this wold and if not
in this world be prepard to
enjoy it more fully in the
world to cum so fairwell
if I may never sea you no more
on earth I hope to meet you
in heaven
I stil remain as
ever yoar afectionate father
til deth
J M Culbertson