South carorlina July the 4.18.62
Laurens district
Dear son I again
avail my self of the opertunity
of droping you afiew lines to
let you know that we ar all
well as comon yoar mother
stil keeps poarly I hope that
those fiew lines may find
you well and dooing well I
reseivd aletter from you last
friday that was dated the 22 of
June I was glad to hear that
you was well but sorry to hear
that you was not geting nothing
to eat I hope that you ar dooing
better before now if I thaught
that you wold ever getit I
cold send you sum provision
but the chance is mity bad so I
am told about such things I
heard last nite that captin
hudgens was ded which I was very
sory to hear he was aman that
I liked very much and you will
all miss him I wold say John
Pitts is very poarly yet tho he
seams to be mending he sends
his best respects to you and all
the boys and ses you must all
rite to him he cant tell when
he will cum back to camp also
tell James duvall that his folks
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is all well I hear the report that
you hav all mooved out to sumer
vill but has sean no letter
to that afect and I am at a
loss to know whare to direct
this letter but I hope that
you will get it you sed in yoar
last tha you had rote five
since you had received and I
dont know what is the reason for
I hav not failed to rite onst
evry weak since I was down thare
onley on weak that I was cuting
wheat and I hav reseived aletter
evry weak but this and I hope
that I will get one to nite tell
the boys that John Cooper has
bin rite sic but is better and wan
ts them to rite to him and let
him know how tha ar geting along
I wold be glad to hear from
you all onst or [t]wise aweak if
I cold giv my compliments to
all inquiring friends my Conection
peticerly tell them that I wold
like to sea aletter from any of
them I hav nothing more to rite
at this time I hope that god
will be with you all and blss
you and protect you and screan
you from the hands of yoar enemes
and from deseas and from death
So I remain yoar father J M Culbertson