State of Ala Mobile Co June 15 day 1862
Dear father and mother brother and Sisters all
it is with pleshure that i tak my pen in hand
to let you no that I am not well but I hope that
these few lines may come to hands and find You
all well the meesels haddent went in on me
tell i tuck the new money I think I am a littel
better thou I am bad off Yet I had a very
bad pain in my left side but it has changed
in to my right Side the doctor tends on me
verry well he givs me meddeson all the time
I have left the horsepittel were I was when I had the
mesels three days after i tuck the new money
and I only never got no mederson but one
dose of Saults if I had a staid thar eny
longer I now I would a died the most of the
foaks that waits on me ses that I will get
well again and if i get well and abel to
travel I am going to try to get a furlow
to go home I laust the Yuse of my right leg a bout
too weaks a go and it ant got no better Yet
I want You to rite to me as Soon as this comes
to hands and rite how all of the peopel is and
how all the crops looks W S Poe has had the
meesels but he is getting over them but he is
nearly deef R J esmerson has had the meesels
and is getting over them but he has tuck cold
in his hed and the doctor Ses it wil rise thou
it dont hurt him mutch Yet So I must close
rite soon and fail not and rite more the
next time I have rote a half a dosen letters to
You I have never got but one G W Poe to all
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Dear brother and Sister I this day take my
pen in hand to let You all no that I am not well
but I hope these few lines may come to hands
and find you all injoing good helth I have
nothing of mutch importans to write to You
only times is hard hear and nothing to eat in
camps I say for You to never volenter to Stand
a draft nobody dont no how hard it is till
tha try it I want You to rite to mee and rite how Your
crop is and rite wether You made eney wheat or not
So I will come to a close I have So meney to rite to
I cant rite mutch to him nor non of the rest
G.W.Poe to James R. Poe and Aemiley Poe
Dear brother and Sister I this day tak the
opportunity of riting You a few lines to let You no
that I am not well but I hope that those few
lines may come to hand and find You all
well and doing likewise I have nothing of
mutch importans to right to Yo times is
hard hear and not mutch to eat in camps
I want You to rite to me how You are getting
a long with Your work and how your crop
looks and if You mad eney wheat So I must
come to a close I have so meney rite to that
I cant rite mutch to You nor [eny?] of the rest
G.W. Poe to B. M Kimbrell and Elisebeth Kimbrell