

King Ston tenesee  Febuew
my                        6th 1863
dear father iseate my
self to informe you thate
iam well ate presant and philip
is wel and hoping these
fulinse may find you
inJoying the Same bles ing
ihav nothinge of in port ants
to right to you onley timese
is harde her i resev ar your
kind leter yesterday and was
glade to her from you and her
thate you was wel ihav
note herd from you sens you
left home mister war
com to se John an tug and left
her yees ter day he sed thate
mother and John was wel
pap i whant you to gite
atrans fur com her for
ihade drother be with you
[page 2]
and if you wil ahorse Shal
note cost you nothinge
we ar knowe in win
ter quarters at king ston
tenessee this morning
her the sno is about thre foot
deap we git plenty to eat
her but our horsis dont git
anuf to eat her
ihav no war nus to right
to you onley thar is astrong
toke of peas her
and ihope that the war wil
sune end and we will al
git to cum home one time mour
pap i whant to Se you the worst
kind and iwode beglad
if you wud git atrans fur her
so we cod bea to gether
mister war sed thate
Johney wod not stay at home
withe mother
[page 3]
you must excus my bad
riting for ihav Just
lurnt to right
sens ihav bin incamps
we ar know out of the
legon and ar in a ridg ment
of cavaldry
when you right to me
direct your leter in the
cer of capton nt barns
curnel good ridg ment
tenth con fedrat
ridg ment

So nothing mor at pres
ant iremain
your der son un til

Sidney Fuler to
Solon L Fuler

February 6, 1863


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


Residence (County): 
Randolph County, AL


From State: 
From Municipality: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Andrea Cudworth
Transcription Date: 
April, 2012
Michael Ellis
Proof Date: 
April, 2013

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    University of Georgia
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