Kingston Tennessee March th16 1863
iresevd your leter Dear Farther
yesterday and was glad to her that you was wel
I got a leter from mar yester day and she saught
that she was wel and giting along vray wel
and she sed that she had not herd from you in about
there days or four weakes and she was verey
enesay abrut you and she sed that she had
not hurd from Johney sens he lef hom and she did
knot wher he was gon nor what had becom of him
i hav nothing mutch toright onley times is hard her
we have not had mutch for our hor sis to eat
and they ar about to [???] for is [??] her and me
and [????] thought that we wod git atransfur
to capton wods is compney for our hor sis is
about to di her and we thaught that we had
be in the in fatrey than to be her and let
our hor sis perish to death and not git aney
thing for them for we doant
git half anuf to eat our selvs
and ithink that thay wil sune dis mount
us any houw and the we a wil bea in the
infatrey aney how and we had Just as
wel go to the in fatrey know
aseney time and if we git to go to the infa
trey we wil git to go bey home
but ight wil bea amonth or mour
be four we git of[f]
so nothing more at presant iremain your dear son
unntil death Sidney Fuller