Camp Near Port Roil
March 24 1863
Dear wife I take the pleasure
of writing you a few lines in ancer
to your most kind and loving
letter that come to hand yester
day that was dated march the
first [????????????????????] [1]
and I truly hope my lines may
safely read and find you [??]
and my little children all well
and doing well and all of my
pople well and engoying every
blessing of God Dear wife I hant
much to right but I should
have something to tell you [if?]
[????????????] Dear wife I will [2]
tell you a joke the other day I
was setting in the doar and
hear come a man with a paper
he said read this for you
[page 2]
Self and I looked and it was
a pirtition to our General to
not alow so much Geuard
duty to be imposed [on as?] [ameny?]
to thro our colonel out of office
all of on benoins [3] to our colonel
they sent it to our General
and it come to our colonel
yesterday eavening and all of
them that had sind that pirt
tion they are on Gueard now
for one week and are not allowd
to leave camp in that time
there was three hundred of them
that was names on that paper
Dear wife I am happy to say
to you that my naime want
on that paper so Dear wife I
will drop that su[b]gect I
never knew how [mean?]
[page 3]
men could do tell now I believe
this rement will be broke up yet
for they are runing a way from
hit and no onder [4] if they do
but I am just like a [note?] I
am bearing it and I hope that
God will enable me to bear all
that mean men can [la?] [on?] me
Dear wife I can sa with pleasur
to yow that I have Got frends
hear as well as att home my
offers [5] hant spoke a harmes word
to me since I have ben hear
so I will drop that subject
Dear wife I was sory to hear that
milyes girl wouldnot stay with
yow if yow want enny boddy you
Gett them if you can I am soro
to hear mother was Greaved to
hear I was faring so bad for
[page 4]
will do no good to but harm
to hir I am faring very well to
what I have ben for I am Getting
yust to my fear [6] and doant greav
nomore a bowt me than you can
help Dear wife was Glad to hear
my things was doing well and
Glad to hear my little children
was harty and bad as every
Dear wife I want yow to make
them mind yow the best yow
can bwt not whip them [m???]
nor I doant expect yow will
I was Glad to hear yours cows
had calves and sorow to hear
owen was Gon from home but
he can under go it as well
as me I Got a letter from james
last week. he said owen was thar
So Dear wife I must cloas for this time
rite when you can Daniel M Brown
[added at top of page]
Daniel M Brown to his loving wife
Martha Jane Brown
- writing very worn and difficult to read at fold
- line obscured by fold
- unbeknownst
- onder = wonder
- offers = officers
- fear = fare