

Dec the 9 I am riting this
I am this mornin setting and ritting
they have a fight not far off
The canons are roaring one after
another not far off Mr Singel is
well and we live together rite soon
I mus close So good by Cortilia
Sonny be a good boy rite soon
I would like to rite more but
will rite Soon again Sweet potatoes
one 1.000 [per?] Bus and flour Eleven
Dollars per Barrel You can think
[page 2]
That the darkies dont get much
wheat Bread to Eat but the oysters
are Cheap and plent and I often Eat
David try and Colect in that
money that is in my books as
soon as you can you can
better than I can tell them
that my family wants some
and David the rest give to father
there is that [Donnoy?] meby
[DM?] Rank Could Collect that
And try and get throm
J [Batetarf?]
[page 3]
And Brother David See after any
thing that Cortilia needs that
She cant go after and if
I live to Come home again
meby I can do Somthing for
you again Send me Some
postage Stamps when you
rite to me and rite to me
how you all are and Send me a
Christmas gift Send sausage and
Any thing you want to tell
[Krider?] I will send him a
Letter before long I must clos
will rite soon
Amos Henry
Cortilia Henry
[page 4]
If you Send me a box
and pay it at the Express office
make it sure that I will not have
to pay it again tak a Receipt for
it if you ask John [Sarbe?]rich
he can tell you [and?] perhaps
he would take it to harrisburg and
it [Cap?] Express and he would know
how to Send it that it would
go safe Dont forget to send me
About four lbs of good Tobaco

Date Note: 
December 9


Co. C, 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry (drafted militia)
Residence (County): 
Lebanon County, PA


Name Variant: 
“Brother David”


From State: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Barbara Anderson
Transcription Date: 
February, 2013
M. Ellis
Proof Date: 
March, 2013

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    University of Georgia
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