Parol Camp Near Enterprise
Jan 30th 1863
Dear Mother I this evning
write you a few lines to let you know
how we are gting along at this nothing
wrong at this time only I am on double
duty I am on gard to day this maks twic
I have bin on gard Since Ov bin hear we
haft to stand every third day that aint
going to hurt nor skeare any body they
are very tite now but not tite enough to
keep us from runingaway I ran away
the other night and went to a play at
Mr Cross’s the other night Frank is at
home now I have taken my cloths from
uncle Joe if you want any cloth you had
better come soon it is Seling
for one doller per yard this domestic non
can by it but Soldiers wifes that is cheaper
than A bunch of thread the boys is runing
away ever night they have put Frank Ruskin
Gentry in the gard house you must excuse
this short leter I caint write long letter
as long as I goe to plays give my love to
Granma Fose and to [Martha?]
R. E. Buckley