

Camp at Centerville
Dear Broher Phillip Nov 6th 1861
As I have a chance to
to send a letter to you I will write a
fiew lines to lett you know where we are and that
we are all well at present Ailstock expect
to start home to marrow, you may send my
over coat & flannel shirts with him when he
comes down. you may send us a fiew apples to eat
for they sell from thirty to sixty cents a dozzen
& any thing els that you see propper but
I dont want the boots yet for I dont need
them for some time. General Jackson he was
assigned to the Army of the Valley, he left to
go over to Winchester on last tuesday he bid us
farewel, he didnt want to leave us, he shed tear[s]
He told General Johnson that he thoug[ht]
he hadent treat him wright for taking his brigaid
away from him. and he though[t] he wasent a doing
wright by leaving us. He said he was a go to
write to the Adjt General to get him to assign
this Brgaid to his command in the Valley w[here?] [1]
he is in charge of now. The Captain sent thirty
five dollars of my money to Joseph G steal
Pa can get it at any time
[page 2]
if he needs the money he can use it if not
he can put it in the Savings institution
And lift Maththew Sheltmans 30$ and
pay it over to his Mother.
John 25$ Pa can draw it all it is
fixed so that he can draw it all I sent
a letter to Annie with the same man that took the
money, I thought proverably she dident receive
it. This is election day here there isent much
stir here. Ther is some tite fellows, there has bin
a couple of fist fights here to day. I think it
it was Captain whiskey, Whiskey is selling
at $10.00 a gallon, and some $5.00 a quart
they will have it if it is to be had. John bought
two barrels of Apples, one he gave $10.50 and the
other $11.00 he sold one barrel last knight
and the other this morning, he maid some four
or five dollars I think that was a doing very
well for the first, so we have had as many as we
could ear for once since we have bin dow[n] here, I havent
spoken to a woman since I left Stanton it is a sight
to see a ladie down here, we are tolerable well at
presnet and hoping these fiew lins will find you
enjoying the same blessing please excuse all miss-
stakes bad wrting and spelling for it was written
in a hurry, write soon. Your devoted Brother
Daniel J. Hileman
nothing more at present for there is no news
here good by for the present

  1. right marting cut off in photocopy
November 6, 1861


Co. H, 27th Virginia Infantry
Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


Co. B, 27th Virginia Infantry
Residence (County): 
Rockbridge County, VA


From State: 
From Municipality: 


To State: 
To County: 

Transcription/Proofing Info

Michael Ellis
Transcription Date: 
January, 2014

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