
Title Given Family Unit Rank
Green Burke Green Burke
Conrad Burks Conrad Burks
William Rufus Burris William Burris 60-day “Mississippi Army of 10,000"; Co. D, 37th Mississippi Infantry (also known as the 34th Infantry); and Co. B, 3rd Mississippi Cavalry Private
Edward Burris Edward Burris
Lt. Isaac Burton Lt. Isaac Burton
George D. Bush George Bush Co. G, 33rd Alabama Infantry Sergeant
William Bush William Bush
Andrew J. Busick Andrew Busick Co. E, 22nd North Carolina Regiment Second Lieutenant
Reuben Bussey Reuben Bussey Company C, 19 LA Infantry; 1 Battalion, GA Reserve Cavalry Private
William E. Butner William Butner Company D, 7 GA Infantry Private
Thomas Butner Thomas Butner
Marchina Butner Marchina Butner
John L. Caddell John Caddell
Robert C. Caldwell Robert Caldwell Co. C, 10th Battalion North Carolina Heavy Artillery Private
Dinson A. Caldwell Dinson Caldwell Co. H, 35th North Carolina Infantry; later Co. F, 63rd North Carolina/5th NC Cavalry Lieutenant; later private
William L. Caldwell William Caldwell Co. B., Mallet's Batallion of Camp Guards Corporal
Nancy M. Caldwell Nancy Caldwell
Margaret Caldwell Margaret Caldwell
John Patrick Caldwell John Caldwell
Robert L. Calloway Robert Calloway 5th North Carolina Senior Reserves
George W. Cameron George Cameron
Julia A. Camp Julia Camp
Josiah A. P. Campbell Josiah Campbell Co. K, 40th Mississippi Infantry Captain (to Lieutenant Colonel)
John Preston Campbell John Campbell Battery H, 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery private; first sergeant
Daniel K. Campbell Daniel Campbell 33rd NC Militia; Company K, 38th NC Infantry 2nd Lt.; Ordinance Sgt. to Sgt.

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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